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Monday, March 12, 2012

Awesome Blog Party!

Hey guys! There is an awesome party going on at this blog!
It's not to late to enter in for your chance to win something!
What are you waiting for? Go check it out now!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

pig latin

I just learnd pig latin so I'm going to show you some. Bible-ibleba blog-logba dude-udeda tree-reeta back-ackba well there's pig latin
so try to say one or two pig latin words.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My sisters comment.

My sisters comment for my music video was well you know how the song is called Iwill come to you she said Iwill come and get some do for you.

Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm sorry

I'm sorry I haven't been writing a blog. I've been reading other people's blogs. So I'm gonna try to write a blog as soon as I can. So be watching my blog.....

Monday, April 24, 2006

my first music video

I hope you enjoy this music video. This is my first one on my blog. I liked it because the music sounded good and it looked cool.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Case of the Giggles

One day my Mom and I were making a tape and it kept messing up. We almost did it perfect but somehow I just started laughing. We tried again, but I still laughed. We tried again and I still laughed. It was time for bed. The next day my sister and I were reading a book and of course, I laughed. Who knows, I may do it today.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Dream

My dream: Well my sister was on a locker in a gym and she saw a coffee cup then she drank it. She wished she could open the locker and she did. Then I came up and I drank out of the cup but this time I didn't wish I could open up a locker. I wished that I could have wishes the rest of my life. So the first wish was that I could use the force, from Star Wars. Then I wished that Faith could have wishes the rest of her life...just to be nice. Then I went outside and we were going to play hide and seek and I wished that I could be invisible. Then when it was over and I won I wished I could turn back. The sad part is, I woke up. What would you wish if you could wish for anything? Say it in your comments.